Sesije za tekstThe Оpen Call for Proposals aiming to improve social inclusion of persons with disabilities and mental disorders was presented at the Information sessions held on August 5 – 9, 2013 in Novi Sad, Subotica, Kraljevo, Vranje and Nis.
More than 300 representatives of health and social institutions, local-self governments, non-governmental organizations attended the sessions and will be in position to apply for grants.

Introductory speeches were given by Ms. Ana Milenic, programme manager of Delegation of the European Union (DEU) to Serbia, Mr. Marjan Gabriel, procurement officer of DEU and Snjezana Djukic, Operations sector of DEU.

Ms. Jelena Mujcinovic and Mr. Branko Puzic from Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy were present on the sessions, while Ministry of Health was presented by Mr. Aleksandar Rankovic. Deputy Mayor of Kraljevo Mr. Milun Jovanovic welcomed participants on the session held in Kraljevo. Dr. Zoran Perisic, Mayor of Nis welcomed participants on session in Nis.

Ms. Aleksandra Calosevic, Grant scheme Expert presented Open Call for Proposals and answered questions of the participants.

Large numbers of local, regional and national media were present at these events.