Study tours to Czech Republic
Two study tours to Czech Republic were organized as part of the project activities. First study tour to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of Czech Republic and Residential Care Institutions was held on September, 1st – 4th 2013. It was attended by Brankica Jankovic, State Secretary of Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy, Branko Puzic, Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy, Dr. Tatjana Voskresenski, Director of Special Psychiatric Hospital from Vrsac, Dr. Nada Markovic, Ministry of Health, Dr. Monika Gabanyi, Project Team Leader, Prof. Dr. Miroslav Brkic, Project Expert and Dr. Jan Pfeiffer, Psychiatrist, Project Expert.
Meetings were held with representatives of the Czech Ministry, representatives of Sector for social work of Visocina Region. Delegation from Serbia visited social institutions where number of users was reduced during the transformation. The representatives of non-governmental sector shared their experience gained during this process. They delivered various services to people with mental and intellectual disabilities who live in local community.
Second study tour was held on November, in the period from 10th – 15th 2013. Directors from 9 Residential Care Institutions from Serbia (Stara Moravica, Curug, Novi Becej, Stari Lec, Pancevo, Veliki Popovac, Aleksinac, Kulina and Kragujevac) visited Czech Republic. Main goal of the study tour was to learn more about process of reform in the country and to see how process of deinstitutionalization is going on.
Workshop was held in Residential Institution in Nova Horka, an example of successful transformation. The workshop attended also directors of Residential Care Institutions from Chech Republic in order to share positive and negative experiences with colleagues from Serbia. Views and lessons learned were presented by the representatives of Sector for social protection from Moravsko-Sleski Region. The representatives of city Novi Jicin presented the roll of local-self government in process of deinstitutionalisation.
Delegation from Serbia also visited Centre for protecting living for people with mental disabilities. Centre is located near Psychiatric Hospital in the vicinity of Prague and managed by a local NGO. Delegation from Serbia also met and learned about mobile teams for supporting people with mental disabilities.