Training on Normalisation
The training on normalisation was held in Stara Moravica on July 1- 3, 2014 led by Prof. Dr. Vito Flaker, project expert.
The aim of the workshop was to get an insight on the current life situations of users of social care, understanding and examining personal values, choices, self-determination and possibilities for their achievement; to look at them in the role of the professional, free individuals and in the role of a person living with a mental health or intellectual disability who resides in an institution.
The first day of training started with introducing of normalisation and social role of valorisation and proceeded with an exercise ‘on lifestyles’.
Participants worked in 5 groups. The participants discussed 6 statements regarding lifestyle; each of them took examples from a range of different statements on this topic and discussed. Each group’s task was to pick the three most important issues and to turn them into goals, which are possible to achieve for the residents of the institution.
The second day was focused on gaining knowledge on the 5 principles of normalisation. After a presentation on this topic, participants work on each of the principles within their groups. In the first workshop about Good relations principles, participants discussed characteristics of good relations in different human relationship situations (ad-hoc relations, professional relations, intensive and profound and intimate partnership relations).
The second workshop was dedicated to second principle of Choice Possibilities. Group members discussed number of choices they make every day, looking at a typical day in their lives. They compared the choices they have with the possible available choices to the beneficiaries in an institution.
Participation was the topic of the third workshop. Groups discussed and reported on the level of residents’ participation in their institutions’ transformation and settlement plans. The participants were given the task of thinking about one situation in which they felt excluded or isolated by the rest of the group and to think about and write down 5 positive and 5 negative characteristics, virtues, roles, and adjectives so the training would proceed the next day with a discussion on the principles of the Personal development and Contacts.
The groups practised normalisation on the ground by interviewing the users and personnel on the wards, and making observations.
The training was closed by giving feedback to the staff and the Head of the residential institution in Stara Moravica. Some of the users who were interviewed participated in closure meeting and had the opportunity to express their views on the visit to the wards, their wishes, and problems they faced.
The aim of this last session of training was to exchange opinions, ideas and good practices about possible improvements and normalisation within the institutions.
Training was attended by 17 professionals from residential social care institutions, 2 representatives from the Centre for Social Work in Backa Topola, and 1 representative from the Provincial Institute for Social Welfare.