Two plans for transformation presented
The two plans for the transformation of the residential institutions were presented at the workshop held in Belgrade on 26 February 2014. The first panel was attended by more than 40 representatives of the 11 residential institutions (RI) included in the OPEN ARMS project.
The workshop was opened by Dr. Jan Pfeiffer, a psychiatrist, an expert on the project. In the introductory part of the meeting, he said that deinstitutionalization process will be long and the transformation plans will be changed and adapted through years. He added that all residential institutions will have to prepare the plans and will be informed about deadlines by the line Ministry. The template for plans will be similar for all RI.
The reform of financing is needed for success of deinstitutionalization. The draft of the model of financing during the transformation of the RI was also presented at the workshop. It was stressed that funding of the process should be transparent, based on real user needs for services with the participation of local government and “money follows patient”.
The representatives of the two pilot institutions – Residential Institution for mental health “Čurug” (to be implemented from 2014 to 2021) and the Institution for adults and older “Gvozden Jovančićević” from Veliki Popovac (2014 to 2026) presented their plans for transformation.
The aim of the transformation plan is to describe the initial state of support to the users in the residential institutions and proposal for new ways of providing services in the community. The plan includes an assessment of the transformation of the institution on the basis of the initial state institutions, the plan of which kind of support for existing customers is needed and to be provided according to the needs of existing users. Also the plan should offer community based services in the region.
The Republic of Serbia on 31 July 2009 ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the United Nations in order to promote, protect and respect the equal rights of people with all forms of disability. Article 19 clearly states that people with disabilities should live in an open community and have the right to choose their place of residence as well as all other people.
On the second panel at the workshop Mr. Milutin Cvetkovic, an expert on the project presented the final version of a software program to be used by the RI during transformation process.
The OPEN ARMS project provided support to the RI in process of preparation of the plans and will continue to work closely with all RI, the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Health.