House in Veliko Gradiste opened
The adapted house in which new life will begin for six users of the Residential Institution for adults and older “Gvozden Jovančićević” from Veliki Popovac was opened on 18 March 2015 in Veliko Gradiste. This is one of the first results of the project “Getting a life” which is as of June 2014 implemented through cooperation of the Czech NGO People in need, RI from Veliki Popovac in cooperation with the Municipality of Veliko Gradiste and the Center for Social Work of Veliko Gradiste and Golubac municipality. The project is funded by the European Union under the OPEN ARMS project.
The opening ceremony was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Labour, Veteran and Social Affairs, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Serbia, the municipality of Veliko Gradiste and the Centers for social work of Braničevo district.
The opened house is one of three planned houses which are intended to provide a community based service to users from RI in Veliki Popovac. The adapted house has new heating and plumbing pipes and is equipped with the necessary furniture and household appliances.
It is planned by the project “Getting a life” that users are actively involved in community life. They will use community based services as well as all other members of the society. With adequate support of assistants for independent living, users will prepare meals, go to shopping, and take care of the household and in a variety of ways to participate in social life. The assistant for employment will take care and work on regaining their business skills, vocational training and engagement in accordance with their possibilities and preferences of each user.
All users have participated in creation of personal plans for life in the community. Based on plans together with assistants, they will work to meet expressed desires and goals. With the support of local government and local residents, users will live life which they deserve as other equal member of society.
The European Union has granted more than EUR 2,3 million to social welfare and health care institutions, civil society organizations, and local governments in Serbia under the Open Call for Proposals on “Support to de-institutionalization and social inclusion of persons with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems”. Grants are awarded to 19 projects. Aim of the projects is to enhance the position of residents in residential care institutions for persons with mental disability and mental illness and creation of conditions for their social inclusion in the local community.
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Accreditation of the training program
The three-day workshop on the accreditation of the training program was held in the period from 4th to 6th March 2015, at the Hotel “Ždrelo” in Petrovac na Mlavi. The workshop was led by Miroslav Brkić, Vito Flaker, Dragana Stanković and Andrea Rafaelič, project experts and was attended by representatives of all social care institutions involved in the project and also modules for future training programs.
The workshop initiated work on the preparation of educational programs for accreditation in the social welfare system, or the Republic Institute for Social Protection as accreditation body.
Participants were first acquainted with the standards for accreditation of training programs, how to implement the accreditation process, as well as the content of tender documents, where the emphasis was on defining the general and specific objectives of the program, competencies to be developed through training programs and effects in practice and for users.
All representatives of institutions that are carriers of the module (on the themes of personal planning, normalization, risk analysis, teamwork and organization of new services) have worked in groups to develop drafts for their own theme, which contained the basic elements that need to be defined in order to meet the standard for accreditation.
Working in groups was followed by reporting, discussion and giving suggestions from other participants and experts on the presented drafts.
Two plans for transformation presented
The two plans for the transformation of the residential institutions were presented at the workshop held in Belgrade on 26 February 2014. The first panel was attended by more than 40 representatives of the 11 residential institutions (RI) included in the OPEN ARMS project.
The workshop was opened by Dr. Jan Pfeiffer, a psychiatrist, an expert on the project. In the introductory part of the meeting, he said that deinstitutionalization process will be long and the transformation plans will be changed and adapted through years. He added that all residential institutions will have to prepare the plans and will be informed about deadlines by the line Ministry. The template for plans will be similar for all RI.
The reform of financing is needed for success of deinstitutionalization. The draft of the model of financing during the transformation of the RI was also presented at the workshop. It was stressed that funding of the process should be transparent, based on real user needs for services with the participation of local government and “money follows patient”.
The representatives of the two pilot institutions – Residential Institution for mental health “Čurug” (to be implemented from 2014 to 2021) and the Institution for adults and older “Gvozden Jovančićević” from Veliki Popovac (2014 to 2026) presented their plans for transformation.
The aim of the transformation plan is to describe the initial state of support to the users in the residential institutions and proposal for new ways of providing services in the community. The plan includes an assessment of the transformation of the institution on the basis of the initial state institutions, the plan of which kind of support for existing customers is needed and to be provided according to the needs of existing users. Also the plan should offer community based services in the region.
The Republic of Serbia on 31 July 2009 ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the United Nations in order to promote, protect and respect the equal rights of people with all forms of disability. Article 19 clearly states that people with disabilities should live in an open community and have the right to choose their place of residence as well as all other people.
On the second panel at the workshop Mr. Milutin Cvetkovic, an expert on the project presented the final version of a software program to be used by the RI during transformation process.
The OPEN ARMS project provided support to the RI in process of preparation of the plans and will continue to work closely with all RI, the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Health.
New house opened in Tesica – a gate for new beginning
Process of deinstitutionalization of persons with mental disability and mental health disorders started in Aleksinac municipality and the new service “supported housing” is established for the first time. This activity is part of the project “An Open Gate for a New Beginning”.
On 13 February 2015 in village Tesica, near Aleksinac the prefabricated house was opened for four users who were relocated from the Working Unit in Tesica which is part of the Geriatric Center „Jelenac“ from Aleksinac.
The house was opened by Mr. Ramunas Janusauskas, Head of Information, Communication and Press of the Delegation of the European Union in Serbia, Mr. Aleksandar Vulin, Minister of Labour, Employment, Veteran Care and Social Issues, Republic of Serbia and Mr. Dragan Veselinovic, Director of Geriatric Centre. The ceremony was attended by Mr. Nenad Stankovic, Mayor of Aleksinac, employees of the Working unit Tesica and representatives of other institutions.
“We are struggling for de-institutionalization process to be fast, but it must be possible and must be sustainable,” said Minister Vulin during the opening ceremony. He pointed out that “the house is not enough, but the people are those who determine whether something will succeed”. He added that the opening of the facility would not be possible without the support of the EU and local self-government of Aleksinac. Vulin said that the process of de-institutionalization began; it is far advanced and is irreversible.
Mr. Ramunas Janusauskas said that the house was built under the project “An Open Gate for a New Beginning” funded by the EU. Total budget of the project is around 180.000 EUR, out of 84 % is EU donation.
“It is important to understand that citizens with mental disabilities in Serbia have the right to participate in all aspects of social life. Relocation of people with mental and intellectual problems from institutions has just begun. We all know that this is a difficult process. It is a process with which they face and the other European countries, and now it’s Serbia, “said Janusauskas.”Our goal is that people with mental health problems become active members of the local community,” he said.
Director of the Gerontology Center Dragan Veselinovic said new house is “a new beginning and a new challenge” for the Gerontology Center. Veselinovic added that sustainability of new services will be a great challenge and that to care that “people who have moved into the house does not let down” after the completion of the project.
The newly opened facility was built on a separate plot, near the Institutions Tešica. Being prepared and selected by the team of professionals, four users were moved from the institution to the house (middle of December 2014) and live with the continuous support of the engaged staff. After six-month period, approximately in June 2015, these four users shall be moved to the urban environment, decreasing gradually the needed level of support.
After moving the first group of users, project is planning to move another group of four users to this prefabricated house, middle of June 2015. Facility shall be used for further development of the service “supported housing” for which the Geriatric Centre “Jelenac” is planning to obtain the licence.
The Project “An Open Gate for a New Beginning” is implemented by Geriatric Center “Jelenac” with partners Municipality of Aleksinac and Association for Development of Creativity, also from Aleksinac. Project started in June 2014 and will last until December 2015. Project budget is 181.120 EUR; the EU donation is 84% of total budget.
Two new services are being established through the project – supported housing and Day Care Centre. Final project results, as expected, will be successful deinstitutionalisation of 8 persons with mental and intellectual disabilities from the Working Unit in Tesica, successful preparation of 12 persons for relocation from the WU and prevention of institutionalization in the area of this municipality.
The European Union has granted more than EUR 2,3 million to social welfare and health care institutions, civil society organizations, and local governments in Serbia under the Open Call for Proposals on “Support to de-institutionalization and social inclusion of persons with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems”. Grants are awarded to 19 projects. Aim of the projects is to enhance the position of residents in residential care institutions for persons with mental disability and mental illness and creation of conditions for their social inclusion in the local community.
Now I have future
Marija Alimpijevic (31) with three users now lives in a new house. When she was told that she would be moved from institutions into the house she “couldn’t believe”.
“Now my life is beautiful. I feel better here than I felt in an institution. I have a hope, looking into the future. Now I have a future, “says Marija.”We are all fine; we agree about everything, we have a daily schedule. Everyone knows who is doing what. Sometimes I cook, sometimes someone else, we agree on everything. We watch TV, but I prefer to play with a puzzle”, Marija describes life in the new facility. “I go to my room and there I find my peace,” she says.
Eight assistants provide 24-hour support during the first six months to all of them. Visits are permitted, and they are allowed to go out. “We go to the store, we have a car, sometimes we go to Nis,” says Marija.
Marija has completed secondary technical school and in poor health condition was placed in the institution. After a few years spent there, she began a new life and become a customer of new service “supported housing”.
Social Care about persons with mental disability and mental health disorders in Cicevac
Dusica Radovanovic (58) with mental disability lives alone in a family house in Stalac, a village in the municipality of Cicevac. In the backyard lot of snow, the last day of December 2014. is very cold. Her sister takes care about her, but in the last two months Jasmina Milicevic, nurse taking care also about her. Jasmina is visiting her every day and spending with Dusica two hours.
Jasmina and other five women from the municipality of Cicevac have been trained to provide social care for people with mental disability and mental health disorders. After two decades of “waiting for the job” Jasmina says she is finally “happy because she has a job, and helping others.”
Jasmina and other five nurses taking care about 24 persons with mental disability and mental health disorders in Cicevac under the activities of the project „Development of comprehensiveIndependent Living Support system in Central Serbia”
funded by the European Union. The project aimed to establish a sustainable and high quality service of “home care” to persons with intellectual and mental disabilities with the provision of new jobs to social protection.
The project is jointly implemented by the NGO Center for Socio-Economic Development (CDER) from Jagodina with the City of Jagodina, Cicevac and Zabari Municipality in partnership with social service providers – Centre for Social Work Jagodina, Red Cross Cicevac and the Centre for Social Work Zabari.
The purpose of service “home care” is to support persons in everyday needs, in order to improve or maintain the quality of their life. The service is designed for people with intellectual and mental disabilities who are not able to live independently in their homes without regular assistance in daily activities, care and supervision, where family support is insufficient or absent.
According to Slavica Salman, secretary of the Red Cross (RC) Cicevac service “home care” in Cicevac began in November 2014 and will run for 14 months. “We are very pleased how the project takes place on the basis of cooperation with the Centre for Social Work, the Primary Health Care in Cicevac, local offices and field work. It is reasonable to expect that number of beneficiaries will be increased. For now, the service “home care” is providing by six nurses in our community, “said Salman, adding that it would be great if local community shows more understanding and support for these activities.
“Jasmina came to visit me, she is helping me at home, we are drinking coffee, talking, she cleans snow, bring me a prescription,” said Dusica and doesn’t hide happiness because her house is full of guests. “Every day I am alone, and now its winter and it’s hard,” she says, adding that Jasmina means a lot to her.
“Service ” home care” which is developing in this project is innovative. Although it has long been present in Serbia as well as in Cicevac, Jagodina and Zabari, by now it has not been piloted to provide social care to persons with with mental disability and mental health disorders. The project will provide an important contribution to the assessment of the applicability of these services to new users groups, “says Ivan Mladenovic from CDER from Jagodina.
Total value of the project is 166,589 EUR, out of which the European Union provides 141,601 EUR, and the rest is secured through local financing. The project started in July 2014 and will last 18 months, until early 2016.
The European Union has granted more than EUR 2,3 million to social welfare and health care institutions, civil society organizations, and local governments in Serbia under the Open Call for Proposals on “Support to de-institutionalization and social inclusion of persons with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems” under the activities of OPEN ARMS project. Grants are awarded to 19 projects. Aim of the projects is to enhance the position of residents in residential care institutions for persons with mental disability and mental illness and creation of conditions for their social inclusion in the local community.
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Conference about deinstitutionalization held in Belgrade
Conference „Advancing the process of transition from institutional care to community-based services in Serbia“ was held in Belgrade in Palace Serbia on December 8th 2014 organized by the European Expert Group on transition from institutional to community-based care and Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs of Serbia.
Opening speeches were held by Mr. Aleksandar Vulin, Minister, Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, Prof. Dr. Vladimir Djukic, State Secretary of Ministry of Health, Mr. John Halloran, Co-chair, European Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care (EEG) and Mr. Holger Schroeder, Head of Cooperation of the EU Delegation in Serbia.
The conference was attended by the representatives of various institutions and organization from the sector of social and healthcare.
Dr. Monika Gabanyi, OPEN ARMS project team leader attended the conference accompanied with other project team members. Key project expert Dr. Jan Pfeiffer, member of EEG presented the key principles of Deinstitutionalisation process.
While talking about process of deinstitutionalization as an EU priority, Dr. Pfeiffer said that Serbia must find a way to provide support to local communities to shift to a new system to provide services to users. He explained that transition to a different system needs to include inclusion and to empower people who will provide services.
Parallel workshops were held during the conference (preventing the placement of children in institutional care and transition from institutional care to community-based services for adults).
In closing remarks participants concluded that deinstitutionalisation for all vulnerable groups is the pathway in Serbia. It is a complex transformation but with support from all stakeholders there is good chance to implement it gradually in a determined framework and time.
Accreditation of Education Programmes
The workshop related to the process of training of trainers for selected group of experts in fields of health and social protection was held in Belgrade on October 28th, 2014. The representatives of residential institutions/project pilots, as well as representatives of special hospitals and Provincial institute for social welfare involved in the trainings attended the workshop led by Prof. Dr. Miroslav Brkić, Prof. Dr. Vito Flaker and Mrs. Dragana Stanković, project’s experts.
Considering that in the summer completed was the first round of the training programmes of the Personal Planning, Normalisation, Risk Analysis, Teamwork and Organising New Services modules, a common meeting of the representatives from all the training modules was organized in order to set the next phases and start working on the accreditation of the programmes. The evaluation of the first round and defining of educational needs for the second round of trainings was done jointly and onsite.
Since the training process is running and entering the phase of selection of potential trainers specialised in five educational topics, the discussion was, also, focused on the accreditation procedure of educational programs in the social care system in Serbia.
Mr. Ladislav Urosevic, IT expert presented and practically demonstrated the use of closed softer platform – project forum, in order to encourage the participants in exchanging data and development of assignments related to the trainings, but also offered individual support.
Акредитација едукативних програма
Радионица о обуци тренера у области здравствене и социјалне заштите одржана је у Београду 28. октобра 2014. У радионици су учествовали представници установа социјалне заштите/пилота на пројекту, као и представници специјалних болница и Покрајинског завода за социјалну заштиту. Радионицу су водили проф. Мирослав Бркић, проф. Вито Флакер и Драгана Станковић, експерти на пројекту.
Након завршеног првог круга обука за модуле на тему личног планирања, нормализације, анализе ризика, тимског рада и организације нових услуга, заједнички састанак представника свих модула обука организован је у циљу припреме следеће фазе и како би започео рад на акредитацији програма. Заједнички се радило на евалуацији првог циклуса и утврђивању едукативних потреба за други циклус тренинга.
С обзиром да је процес обуке у току и улази се у фазу селекције потенцијалних тренера специјализованих за пет едукативних тема, на радионици се говорило о поступку акредитације едукативних програма у систему социјалне заштите у Србији.
Ладислав Урошевић, ИТ експерт представио је и практично демонстрирао употребу затворене софтверске платформе – форума пројекта, како би подстакао активност учесника у размени података и изради задатака који се односе на обуке, али и понудио индивидуалну подршку.
New project’s activities
After two years of implementation of the OPEN ARMS project, new project activities will be realized from September 2014 until December 2015.
The Project will closley work with 11 residential institutions and focus on preparation of Transformation Plan for these residential institutions, the feasibility study for the psychiatric institutions and Development Plan for cross-sectoral community based social and health services prepared.
The Project will continue to built capacities at national and local level to improve range and quality of coordinated community based care for people with intellectual disabilities and mental disabilities in line with Development Plans. Also, project team will provide support to the Grant Scheme for provision of community based social and mental health services.
The project focuses on 11 social protection residential care institutions for persons with mental disability and mental illnesses (Kragujevac, Veliki Popovac, Kulina, Tutin, Stara Moravica, Pancevo, Blace, Curug, Stari Lec, Becej, Aleksinac) and five special psychiatric hospitals (in Gornja Toponica, Novi Knezevac, Vrsac, Kovin and “Dr. Laza Lazarevic” in Belgrade).
Project team will continue work on the project in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Policy and Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia.
Second training on personal planning
The second training on personal planning was held in Residential care institution for persons with mental disability “Sv. Vasilije Ostroški Čudotvorac” in Novi Becej, on August 4-6, 2014.
Training was led by Prof. Vito Flaker and Prof. Miroslav Brkić, project experts. The representatives from residential social care institutions, representatives from Centers for Social Work, Special Hospitals and the Provincial Institute for Social Welfare attended the training.
The participants were trained in active participation. They expressed their concerns and explored new possibilities through discussion with project experts and other participants.
The workshop was closed with discussion about implementation of personal planning.