Towards living in the community and further: supported housing for persons with intellectual and other disabilities in Belgrade”
On the Project Call funded by the European Union, project proposal of the Serbian Association for Promoting Inclusion, SAPI, entitled as ”Towards Living in the Community and Further: Supported Housing for Persons with Intellectual and Other Disabilities in Belgrade”, is approved.
Realization of this project was started 06.16.2014. The project goal is to improve the position of the residential institutions’ beneficiaries with intellectual and mental disabilities, through creating conditions for their inclusion in the society and local community.
This project includes 30 beneficiaries, 22 of them have been already living in open environment in the service ”Community-based living” provided by API of Serbia.
Project provides inclusion of 8 new beneficiaries: three from Home for Children and Youth with Developmental Disabilities Sremčica and four from the Centre for Housing and Day Care for Children and Youth with Disabilities in Belgrade with the goal of prevention the institutionalization.
By the plan, inclusion of new beneficiaries will be realized in first half of September 2014.