Workshop on preparation of reports for grant scheme projects
The workshop on reporting for projects awarded under the Open Call for proposals “Support for de-institutionalisation and social inclusion of persons with mental disability and mental illness” (grant scheme) was held in Belgrade on December 15th 2014.
Workshop was attended by the representatives of social care institutions, local self-governments, civil society organizations awarded under the grant scheme, representatives of the EU Delegation and the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran Care and Social Affairs.
Workshop was organized with goal to provide technical details and information related to reporting requirements and to support projects for preparation of interim reports to be delivered at the project end.
Aleksandra Calosevic and Nenad Sucurovic, experts for grant scheme on OPEN ARMS project led the workshop. Calosevic said that workshop is part of the project activities aiming to provide technical support to awarded grants in preparation reports about activities and results achieved during projects lifespan. She presented details related to narrative section of the reports while Nenad Sucurovic spoke about financial section of report.
Overview of the current status of GS projects was done at the end of the workshop and number of residents in residential care institutions which will be prepared for social inclusion in the local community was presented.
Answers to all questions raised on workshop will be posted on the EU Delegation website as well on the OPEN ARMS project website.
The European Union has granted more than EUR 2,3 million to social welfare and health care institutions, civil society organizations, and local governments in Serbia under the Open Call for Proposals on “Support to de-institutionalization and social inclusion of persons with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems.”
Grants are awarded to 19 projects due to be implemented from June 2014 – December 2015. Aim of the projects is to enhance the position of residents in residential care institutions for persons with mental disability and mental illness and creation of conditions for their social inclusion in the local community.